Welcome to our Activate Mentoring Programme website

Activate seeks to improve experiences, increase retention, develop a peer community, support career development and create a deeper sense of belonging.  Our mentors have insight and understanding of the educational experience of students of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic heritage backgrounds and the challenges they face within education and navigating College life.

Background to Activate

As part of the College's  £5 million commitment to scholarships  for minority and underrepresented students from the UK, the Presidential Scholarship will support one Masters and one undergraduate student of Black Heritage (Home fee status) from each Faculty.  The first recipients of the award were selected in the academic year 2022. As part of this scholarship, wrap- around support will be provided for the students including mentoring advice and guidance. 

The College has also taken action to improve the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education, through its Race Equality Charter Action Plan.  Through the action plan, the College has committed to establishing a cross-departmental mentoring scheme, Activate, for PhD students from ethnic minorities, with any fee status.

Previous mentors have kindly shared their views on the value of mentoring


“I enjoy seeing people grow and develop and not making some of the mistakes I made”


“Builds my own confidence and allows me to reflect on past achievements and how I can use these to help others in their development.”


“It has been really useful for my own career development and to help me think about making a sideways move career-wise.”